The country with the greatest diversity of birds in the world, more than 1,900 species are waiting for you to photograph them.

From February 29 to March 10, 2024

Price 2.850€ (VAT incluided). Reservation 900€

Places: 6 (Minimum 4).

Travel itinerary

February 29
Direct flight Madrid - Medellin 15:45 - 19:45 night Medellin.
February 29
March 01
Early in the morning we will fly to Manizales, epicenter of birding in the country. Transfer to Glamping el Color de mi Reves. Afternoon photographing hummingbirds, toucans, tanagers, etc. Night at Glamping el Color de mi Reves. We will go out at night whenever possible.
March 01
March 02
Full day at Glamping, where we can photograph a good assortment of hummingbirds, Black-billed Mountain Toucan, Andean Pygmy owl, Bicolored ans Slate-crowned antpittas, Masked flowerpiercer, and hopefully the Ocellated tapaculo. Overnight at Termales de Ruiz.
March 02
March 03
Early in the morning we will go to Nevado de Ruiz (Forty minutes), to enjoy the impressive alpine landscape of the Andes, in the highest part we will find one of the most impressive hummingbirds of the trip, the Buffy Helmetcrest and a lot of interesting species such as Stout-billed Cinclodes, Many-striped Canastero or Plumbeous Sierra-finch. The afternoon will be spent at the Ruiz Hot Springs, a hot springs with one of the most special hummingbird feeders. Here Rainbow-bearded Thornbill and Great Sapphirewing are the stars of the show, but many other species will delight the afternoon. Night at Hacienda El Bosque.
March 03
March 04
Full day at the Hacienda in the forest, we will be able to photograph another interesting assortment of hummingbirds and the most coveted of all antpittas, Crescent-faced. Other species of interest are Equatorial Antpitta, Masked Trogon, White-throated Quail-dove, Grey-browed Brushfinch or Andean Guan, to name a few. Overnight at Hacienda el Bosque. Night outings when possible.
March 04
March 05
Morning session at Hacienda el Bosque or Nevado de Ruiz, depending on our pending objectives and transfer to Tinamu Birding (One hour and a half). Here the different feeders offer a great selection of Tanagers and Hummingbirds including species such as Guira Tanager, Grey-headed Dove, Rufous-tailed Hummingbird and many more. Overnight at Tinamu.
March 05
March 06
Full morning birding in Tinamu, transfer to Jardin after lunch (5 hours) overnight in Jardin.
March 06
March 07
Morning at El Roble, to get to photograph species such as Green-and-black fruiteater, Chesnut-Naped and Chami Antpitta , Acorn woodpecker, Lacrimose Mountain Tanager and a good list of hummingbirds. Afternoon at the Cock-of-the-Rock lek where a large number of males flock. Overnight in Jardin.
March 07
March 08
Extra day at Jardin in case of bad weather. If the weather has been good the day before, we can try to photograph the Yellow-eared Parrot, visit other feeders or go out at night in search of owls. Night in the garden.
March 08
March 09
Last morning in Jardín to perfect the photos obtained, transfer to Medellín (6 hours). To take the flight at the end of the day to Spain.
March 09
March 10
Arrival in Spain.
March 10

What is included in our photographic trip

What is included

Not included

Our guides

In our photographic trips we have expert guides to offer a unique and personalized experience in the middle of nature.




Born in Madrid on July 22, 1973, since I was a child I have always been enthusiastic about animals...

Fotógrafo Juan Matute



Naturalist and nature photographer. My passion for the countryside was born when I was a child, especially my curiosity for birds and...


contact with us

    Oscar Díez

    Born in Madrid on July 22, 1973, since I was a child I have always been enthusiastic about animals and their world, but it wasn’t until 2002 that I started photographing them.

    It was during my first trip, which was to Kenya and until today I have not stopped photographing them, with an analog reflex. In April 2005 I bought my first digital camera and that’s when I really started to get satisfactory results from my work.

    My specialty and what I like the most are birds and then the high mountains, which has made me a versatile photographer, since I do not waste any opportunity that nature gives me to capture the best moments of wildlife and their habitats, specializing in photographic trips around the world, I have been traveling for over 10 years through all types of ecosystems.

    Totally self-taught, everything I know, I have learned in the field and nature. With the teachings of great photographers and now friends, and studying the behavior of birds, dedicating as much time as I can, I have achieved gratifying results for me. I think that going out into the field and getting into a hide” seeing everything without being seen by the environment around you, is one of the best feelings in life.

    Author of a book and awarded in many national and international nature photography contests.

    Member of AEFONA (Spanish Association of Nature Photographers), Member of FONAMAD (Association of Nature Photographers of Madrid).


    Fotógrafo Juan Matute

    Juan Matute

    Naturalist and nature photographer. My passion for the countryside was born when I was a child, especially my curiosity for birds and mammals, and since then it has not stopped growing. I worked for several years in wildlife tracking and that has taught me to know the biology and animal behavior.

    Currently, I manage a company with more than seven years of experience at the service of the photographer and nature lover (hides, workshops, routes, etc). Over the years I have accumulated experience guiding groups in nature with several national and international agencies, touring several countries around the world.

    Author of several photographic exhibitions, some of my photos illustrate articles in books, guides and national and international magazines.